WASHINGTON — The situation with red meat and poultry is rapidly evolving, not unlike most other food and non-food sectors grappling with the unknown amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. While a bit late to the food “panic” race, fears of meat shortages are no less real than those of flour, sugar, pasta and other staples seen earlier in the shelter-at-home period, most of which appear to be stabilizing.
News & Blog
Sustainability in Packaging isn’t a Trend—it’s a Demand
“Sustainability has become one of the biggest issues in food and beverage today—and packaging is a key component of the move toward sustainable business practices,” states the 2020 Sustainable Packaging Report from Winsight Grocery.
American Association of Meat Processors (AAMP) Provides Resources and Information in Response to COVID-19
This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation and AAMP will provide updated information as it becomes available, in addition to updated guidance. The safety and well-being of our members is our top priority. As of today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), notes the following in terms of risk assessment: For most people, […]
Packaging from Phenix Specialty Films Makes Saturday Night Live Cameo
Can you spot the tasty looking scene stealer? Check out the background in the interior shot appearing shortly after the open of SNL’s “LaGuardia” sketch. Yep, those green Sabra Breakfast Avocado Toast packages. That stellar packaging, a printed easy peel top film and a semi-rigid bottom film, is all provided by Phenix Specialty Films! The […]